The Dude

Member for 1538007721

41 Posts & Comments

The Dude 1540891717

Thank you for the upload. In a manner that suits VRChat, I promise to find a way to horribly butcher its original purpose and probably get blocked by many, as a result. Your work here will not go unappreciated.

Commented on unknown content 😴
The Dude 1540179818

This model changed my life. I come from a small Malaysian town, in the middle of nowhere. Once this model was loaded into Unity, I was able to share Juul's with everyone. We now own the largest Juul manufacturing facility in Malaysia and make millions of dollars selling them to people pretending to be old enough to buy them! Because of this model, we are also the richest country in the world. With the money from these Juul's, our military has also become the most powerful. We'll be taking control of Russia, a few diners in France, and Uganda very soon, and with the help of Tronald Dump, Malaysia will become the first country to build a wall in space. Thank you, Sukumi, for uploading this model!

The Dude 1539933775

@Ooflord As of right now, 42 people not only wanted to look at it, but they wanted to download it, too. It's okay, though. We all make mistakes.

The Dude 1539164730

Regarding Joltze's comment, since adding Dynamic Bones is a simple process, I'm not at all stressing that it's not included. You did the hard work and only pretentious people will have a problem with it. Thanks for taking the time to upload this avatar. You've definitely earned an upvote from me. :)

Commented on unknown content 😴
The Dude 1538996910

You owe an apology to everyone in VRChat for uploading this.